
Amazing Weight LOSS

The question is.. how to really loose weight? There are many key things to do in order to insure muscle preservation while losing fat. A lot of them revolve around, you guessed it, the diet...
In fact, a sound diet is 70% of the equation when it comes to changing your body! Use these basic nutritional guidelines to help you lose fat effectively and get in shape! Eat Less - This is logical since gaining weight involves eating more calories than you use and storing the excess, eating less calories than needed to maintain your mass will result in losing weight. Only when your total amount of calories drops below your maintenance line will the fat storage of the body be burned as back-up fuel.The best way to lower your caloric intake is by gradually reducing the amounts you eat, like 200 calories per week until you reach your target level. Your target level is about 10 calories per pound of your ideal bodyweight. Here is one of the best body transformations that i ever seen.