
How Your First Kiss Like

the most beautiful thing on this planet.Love is the reason we live , we fight , we work.Love is the passion for everything we do...

Some people are more lucky to find their love earlier and spend more years with them, some are less lucky and find their true love years after but they still are lucky enough to experience the best feeling in this world.Love is not only between a couple , love is the love for your family , friends.There are many ways people express their love, with words , hugs, kisses. Science has discovered that hugs and kisses make you feel better and make you feel safe and loved that’s why you give them to the ones you love.Kissing is one of the most beautiful things and let’s say ‘gifts’ especially for couples.It’s something special , the first thing you give to the one you love.We all imagine kissing like in the movies but it doesn’t happen always like that.Even though you feel a real kiss hundred times more when it’s real and not in the movies but when I saw this picture I was literally laughing so much.This is so funny and true it’s now always how we think it is sometimes it looks ridiculous !