
I Want To Be Your Boyfriend

To all the guys out there, I understand exactly how you feel.  Being a teenager, getting a girlfriend is part of the whole package... 

 But being naive, we often find ourselves heart broken and mistreated.  I'm not trying to say that all girls are bad, in fact some of my best friends are girls.  However, after having had gone through the teenage phase and making mistakes and learning from them, I thought it would be great to share with you.  Maybe it will help you?  Or perhaps it will stimulate new thoughts?  
 Importance of not rushing into relationships
Rushing into a relationship is like a pilot steering a plane without looking at the weather forecast beforehand. People are complex beings and we can never be certain about their true nature until we have interacted long enough with them. There are all sorts of guys out there with personalities that are simply unknown. Thinking it through will spare the heartache and going through the process of emotional detachment. Well you may ask how long should we test the waters? I think there will never be a point where we can be 100% certain but it is possible to roughly gauge by:
-looking at how he treats his friends or family( that’s most probably how he’ll treat you eventually)
-Knowing his family( they probably share the same traits)
-having constant open communication with each other
-Ask your closest friends about their opinions about him (love is blind in many ways)
-Knowing whether you share the same values as each other
-Most importantly is to know each other’s intentions of having the relationship.