
Kid First Time

It's best to start talking with children about sexuality in early childhood — but it's never too late.Talking with children about s-e-x and sexuality may be uncomfortable at first, but it gets easier with time and practice...There are many different ways to start conversations about sex and sexuality. 

Parents really make a difference when we talk with our kids. In fact, teens often name their parents as the biggest influence in their decisions about sex. And teens who report having good conversations with their parents about sex are more likely to delay sexual activity, have fewer partners, and use condoms and other contraceptives when they do have sex.
We can help our kids deal with topics related to sexuality starting when they are very young and throughout their lives. Sexuality includes a wide range of topics including male and female bodies and how they work, human development, reproduction, types of relationships, what makes a relationship healthy or unhealthy, sexual behavior, and how to prevent pregnancy and STDs.
Talking to our teens about sex and sexuality may not always be easy. We're here to help you get the conversation started. Check out the video below.