
What Women Do According To Men In Shower

Now, I don't know if many of you know this but cold showers actually have a lot of health benefits! It's a bit strange for me to write this post in the middle of September when Winter is just around the corner...
but I thought I'd let you guys know about it as a lot of people grimace and are horrified at the thought of showering in cold water! But if, like me, you enjoy a nice warm shower, just turn the temperature down for the last 5 or so minutes of your shower. It's not as bad as you'd think!

Alternating between hot and cold water during showers is a quick and easy way to improve your blood circulation. This is because of vasoconstriction and vasodilation. These are just fancy words for our arteries and veins constricting and relaxing due to temperatures.

Good circulation can prevent things like hardening of the arteries and the appearance of varicose veins.