
The Ultimate Katy Perry Look Alike

Born in Santa Barbara, California in a rather religious family. Due to not being exposed to mainstream music in her early years Katy wanted to pursue a career in a gospel quire at first but later got discovered and made up her mind to switch to pop...

She started gaining fame with her songs ‘I Kissed A Girl’ and ‘Hot’N’Cold’ in 2008 from the album ‘One Of The Boys’ released the same year.If the girl on the photo is trying to copy Katy Perry’s look she isn’t doing a very good job. Apart from the hair color there are not many similarities between the two. Obviously, Katy has been styled by an army of professional hair stylist, makeup artists, designers, etc. but in order to achieve her look the girl must try to copy her makeup and probably do something different with her hair. Also, she might have to remove the nose piercing as it catches too much attention.